Ancient + Brave Matcha + Collagen, 150g

Ancient + Brave Matcha + Collagen, 150g
Ancient + Brave, Ancient + Brave Matcha + Collagen, 150g

Ancient + Brave Matcha + Collagen, 150gAncient + Brave Matcha + Collagen, 150g
Manufacturer:Ancient + Brave
Price: 42.00 EUR
On stock
1Price is specified with VAT 21%.
Delivery cost is not included in the price
Price is valid completing order 18.06.2024

A blend of Matcha + Collagen with a pleasant taste that will give soothing energy to your morning drink. Combining ingredients that have been traditionally used for generations, our smart drink recipe is a unique blend of organic matcha tea, known for its excellent long-lasting energy, enhanced with soothing L-theanine, powerful antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and organic lion's mane mushroom. which improves mental clarity and morning mood.

Matcha not only provides a boost in energy levels, but also helps balance the mind and body. It is a great alternative to coffee. Combined with the cell-nourishing, hydrolyzed True Collagen Peptides found in every dose of the blend, this drink is a true superfood with powerful health-promoting properties.

Enjoy this cocktail of matcha, collagen and other valuable ingredients in your daily morning ritual!
Inspired by a trip to the breathtaking tea plantations of Japan, our delicious new Matcha + Collagen hot drink mix will deliver the most intense ritual feeling like any of our products. Matcha powder and collagen ingredients with powerful effects will ensure skin radiance. In combination with organic lion's mane mushroom and moringa, it becomes an ideal remedy to combat everyday stress and haste.

- Rich in antioxidants;
- Organic, ceremonial matcha provides a mild and pleasant taste;
- The saturated source of collagen, proteins and antioxidants will strengthen, nourish and moisturize the body;
- Moringa plant extract helps promote the body's detoxification processes;
- MCT will increase brain performance and concentration, provide the body with long-lasting energy;
- Cinnamon will balance the blood sugar level and also give the drink a natural, sweet taste;
- The functional lion's mane mushroom will help you achieve mental balance, a sense of peace and a sharp mind at the very beginning of the day.
- 2500 mg of nutritious hydrolyzed collagen peptides in each serving of the drink;
- A soothing concentration of matcha tea and adaptogenic mushrooms;
- An excellent source of protein for maintaining healthy muscle mass and moisturizing body cells;
- Powerful ingredients for glowing skin and collagen replenishment;
- Cinnamon for stabilizing sugar levels and promoting a healthy metabolism;
- The perfect ingredient for a daily well-being ritual.

Usage: for adults, pour 6g of powder into 100ml of hot water every day, then add warm milk. Duration of use 2 months, the course of use can be repeated. 150g (about 25 servings).

Hydrolyzed collagen peptides from grass-fed beef*
Organic Lion's Mane Mushroom;
Organic Matcha;
Organic MTC Oil Powder;
Organic moringa;
Organic cinnamon

Ingredients per 100g:
Energy value 363kcal
Fat 9.1g
Of which saturated fatty acids 7.8g
Monounsaturated substances 0.3g
Polyunsaturated substances 0.6g
Carbohydrates 32.1g
Of which sugar 1.7g
Fiber 21.2g
Protein 48.9g
Salt 0.26g

Warnings. Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use nutritional supplements to replace a full and balanced diet.

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