CARELIKA Fizzing foam mask Carboxy Therapy 200g

CARELIKA Fizzing foam mask Carboxy Therapy 200g
Carelika, CARELIKA Fizzing foam mask Carboxy Therapy 200g

Price: 35.90 EUR
On stock
1Price is specified with VAT 21%.
Delivery cost is not included in the price
Price is valid completing order 04.06.2024

Introducing a one-of-its-kind, unique, and innovative fizzing Carboxy therapy foam mask by CARELIKA for quick and easy rejuvenation. This novel mask forms an airy foam that helps to give a uniform skin complexion and makes the skin gentle and soft. Bicarbonate and citrate salts in the formulation react with water to give a fizzing effect and form a smooth airy foam that deeply cleanses the pores and gives you a refreshing feel. Loaded with enzyme-containing natural extracts of papaya and pineapple remove dead cells, improve skin metabolism, rejuvenate cells, and give an anti-wrinkle effect. Moreover, the enzymes have an anti-inflammatory effect, enhance collagen synthesis, set up your skin tone, and give a refreshing look. The Perfection Peptide-3 rejuvenates and adds to the radiance by improving the microcirculation in deep tissue layers and saturating oxygen whitening the cells.

What does it do?
- Soften the skin and sets an even tone
- Give a rejuvenating effect
- Fights fine lines and wrinkles
- Boosts skin metabolism and removes imperfections
- Whitens and brightens your complexion
- Lifts the facial contour
- Has anti-inflammatory properties

How to use it?
Mix 20 g of powder with 15 ml of water at 20 ° C in a small cup or bowl.
Mix the mask thoroughly.
Apply on the face and neck evenly using brush. Stay away from the eye area.
Leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes
Rinse off with water and pat dry.
Apply your favorite serum.

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